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Oglejte si 3D razstavo!
See the online exhibition!

Sprehodite se po 3D različici 12-letne retrospektivne razstave "Slovenske krave" v Sokolskem domu Škofja Loka in odkrijte zgodbe, ki jih pripovedujejo dela.

Walk around the 3D online version of the 12-year retrospective exhibition "Slovene Cows" in Sokolski dom Škofja Loka and discover the stories behind every piece.

Cow Calendar 2025

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Calendar 2025

Vsebuje 12 potiskov s kravjim motivom, primernih za okvirjanje.


Featuring 12 ready-to-frame prints of the newest cow images.

Logo v kvadratku belkast #F8F8F8 Animal Artist outlines-2.png

Lara Ješe je živalska umetnica, ki vas vabi, da odkrijete njen svet slik, risb in kipov.

Stopite v svet krav, konjev, mačk, barvitih ptic in drugih bitij, ki oživijo skozi umetničin dotik.

Lara Ješe is an animal artist inviting you to discover her world of paintings, drawings, and sculptures.
Step into the world of horses, cows, wild cats, colourful birds and other creatures that come to life through the artist's masterful touch.

Začuti povezanost skozi umetnost.
Feel the connection through art.


Kupi umetnost
Buy Art

Prebrskajte razpoložljive umetnine in odkrijte, ali vas kakšno še posebno nagovarja.

Glede na izkušnje se povezava z delom najbolje vzpostavi, ko si delo ogledate v živo.

Browse the available artwork and see if a piece calls to you.

In my experience, the connection happens most often when one gets an opportunity to see the piece in person.


Ustvarjaj na delavnicah
Create at Workshops

Udeležite se delavnic in tečajev pod mentorstvom magistrice slikarstva in izkušene učiteljice.

Take part in workshops and courses under the guidance of a Master of Fine Arts in Painting and an experienced teacher.


Naroči svoj sanjski kos
Commission Your Dream Piece

Če določenega originala ni mogoče kupiti, če ste našli vaš naljubši slog ali motiv, ali pa kakemu razpoložljivemu delu manjka tista vaša osebna nota,  me kontaktirajte in lahko se dogovorimo za naročilo po meri.


If a particular original isn't available for purchase or if you found a style or a motif that calls to you but doesn't have that personal something you search for, contact me and we can arrange a custom commission.

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Subscribe to get email updates and access the exclusive monthly subscriber content. 

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